Happy Mother's Day ❤️

Undoubtedly, it's the world's most challenging job. And your first moments will set the tone for your entire "career."

There's no training or professional development; just long, stressful, demanding hours with no pay. You'll have sleepless nights, no sick days, no vacations. No mileage reimbursement. No retirement package. Once you start, it's a 24/7/365 job. For the rest of your life.

Despite it being your first day on the job, you'll immediately find yourself dealing with someone else's shit. Literally. Then you'll be answering their questions, solving their problems, cooking, cleaning, shopping, transporting, teaching, and coaching every aspect of their lives. Meanwhile, you'll also be keeping everything afloat for multiple people, working full time, and dealing with your own life and relationships.

You'll need to be Superwoman. 

But that's OK. You're highly qualified. You're a woman. By definition, you're already super. 

There won't be much appreciation for everything that you do. Don't expect it. Not for the first 30 years or so... After that, it sometimes gets better.

Your mistakes on the job will stick with you in the form of lifelong regrets. To add to the pressure, our entire society relies on you to do your job well for it to progress and flourish. But remember, you've got this.

You will succeed. 

Why? Because you're incredible. You have the ability to create life inside of you and carry it within you until it's safe to enter this world. Have you considered how awe inspiring that is? 

You were born to love - to create love, give love, and teach love. You were born to nurture and grow the individuals who will continue solving our world's problems, curing diseases, developing amazing new technologies, writing captivating literature, creating art and music. 

And eventually, they will be there to care for us when we grow older and are forced to hand over all of the keys to them.

But they will be ready. Because of you.

Because of their mother.

Because you exemplify love. Empathy. Strength. Problem-solving. Perseverance. You are a role model.

Thank you, moms. We love you. We love you in ways that will endure beyond our lifetimes. You are genuinely amazing, the most influential and powerful people on the planet.

We couldn't have accomplished anything without you… ❤️
